Busted! Don’t Believe These Legal Myths!
An impending court case can be an anxious period for the accused, as a guilty verdict would result in a possible jail term. A criminal record would also mean that you have a stain on your reputation, which will hinder future job prospects, and affect the whole family.
The vast ramifications a legal matter brings means that securing a lawyer that is meticulous and ethical is imperative. Unfortunately, there are many myths associated with the legal system, which if believed, can leave you with a lawyer that cannot produce the desired outcome.
To help you steer clear of misconceptions and prevent an adverse situation, the Law Office of M. Byron Morgan has dispelled three of the most widely believed legal myths.
Myth 1: Experience has no value in a lawyer.
If you believe this, you are deluding yourself. There are a couple of reasons why experience matters. Firstly, experience gives you the knowledge to anticipate potential scenarios and the ability to overcome them. Second, experience teaches you when to stay quiet during a case. Many inexperienced lawyers do not know when their case is over and carry on speaking. Finally, an experienced lawyer will know what questions not to ask, as there are occasions when you don’t want the judge or jury to hear everything.
Myth 2: Any lawyer is just as good as another.
Experience, expertise, and personality all vary from one lawyer to another, so it is vital to weigh out their credentials. Make sure you hire a lawyer that is best suited for your case and one that you feel you can trust to achieve a favorable verdict.
Myth 3: All lawyers are experts in every phase of law.
There are numerous fields of legal practice, and every lawyer has their area of law that they specialize in. It is essential to find a lawyer that has experience in the field that you need, so make sure you retain a lawyer who knows the subject matter and the personalities involved.
To avoid these and other legal myths, reach out to the Law Office of M. Byron Morgan. As the best criminal defense lawyers in Jonesboro, Georgia, we have over thirty years of experience and have won thousands of cases for our clients. Our legal services include sex crime and child crime defense, major felony defense, and domestic violence defense. We also specialize in drug crime defense and juvenile criminal defense.
For a complete list of our services, please click here. If you have any questions about the Law Office of M. Byron Morgan, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact us here.